Insanity Point Employee Quiz

Whether you are a returning staff member or new to Insanity Point, we would like you to know how much we appreciate having you as part of our team at Cornbelly's. As owners and managers, we'll do all we can to help you succeed in whatever role you play and always welcome your ideas. We hope you enjoy a fall filled with pleasant memories as you work and play at Cornbelly’s.

This year we are celebrating our 28th season, with our first corn maze appearing in American Fork, UT back in 1996. Since that time, the creators of Cornbelly’s have actually designed nearly 5,000 mazes for farms all over the world, helping this ever-popular maze craze continue to grow! Although we have this location at Thanksgiving Point, we are a separate family-owned business and operate Cornbelly's in Lehi as partners of Thanksgiving Point. We have a second Cornbelly's location in Spanish Fork where our family lives and works year round.